Hi, this is Felicity and we at AG Gossip Blog have some exciting news for you. Yesterday, we had so much fun shopping in the city, so today we just wanted to relax in our hotel. So, we figured that we would get out our laptop, and make some cool new stuff on our blog! As you may notice, right underneath our logo, is some links that will link you to our new blog pages. You may notice that once in a while, we'll talk about the snazz salon, or the AG Gossip Cafe. But now, you get to go to each one's official page, and learn more about our daily lives, and the fun things we do. You'll find pages to the AG Gossip Cafe, the Snazz Salon, and Cooking with Carely! You'll also learn how to contact us with all our email addresses. Learn a little bit more about me and the AG Gossip dolls while you're at it!
Also, check out all the cool awards our site has won. Speaking of awards, you can now apply for some special AG Gossip awards! Read more about it on the Apply for an Award tab. We hope you apply for an award, and enjoy all the fun in store for you and your friends!
Chat With the Dolls Times!

Chat With The Dolls Times:
Friday April 16, at 4:30 - 5:00 Eastern Time
Saturday April 17, at 3:30 - 4:00 Eastern Time
Sunday April 18, at 4:00 - 4:30 Eastern Time
*If you live in a different time zone, ask your parents to help you figure out what these times would be in your time zone*
Show up to as many as you want! And remember to check back for more chat with the dolls times next week!
*If you live in a different time zone, ask your parents to help you figure out what these times would be in your time zone*
Show up to as many as you want! And remember to check back for more chat with the dolls times next week!