Monday, November 29, 2010

A Great Turkey Day (by Carely)

We hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We sure did! To start off, I will announce the results of our canned food drive. The winning team had both the most items and the most fans' votes. The winning team is... drum roll please... TEAM 2! Team 2 had a total of 73 items. Team 1 had a total of 68 items. so altogether we collected 141 items! When we donated our items to our local food bank, the people there were so happy. It felt good to know that we had made a difference. On the day before Thanksgiving, we went to see Molly, Kirsten, and Nicki perform in their Thanksgiving play. It told the story of the first Thanksgiving. The play was cute. After the show, Nicki complained about only having one line: "Gobble, Gobble!" But, all three of them said that they had a fun time! The next morning, everyone was up early to watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade. After that, I took control of the kitchen and started to make the meal with the help of my fellow chefs, Kaya and Kit. Boy, did we make a mess! I felt bad for myself and the rest of Team 1. The counters were covered with pots, pans, and scraps of food. I was not looking forward to cleaning the kitchen. Thanksgiving dinner was delicious! I was flattered by all the compliments my cooking received. After everyone stuffed themselves, Angela, Chrissa, Felicity, Jessica, Josefina, Julie, and I reluctantly trudged into the kitchen. Our arms felt like rubber from all the scrubbing and cleaning. When we finally finished, we were ready to reward our hard work with big slices of pumpkin pie! It didn't take long for us to clean our plates, and for Kit to devour the entire bottle of whipped cream! We have so much to be thankful for and I'm glad we took the time to realize that. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Cantastic! (by Samantha)

A few days ago, all of the AG Gossip dolls were together talking about the menu for our magnificent Thanksgiving feast, and debating the amount of vegetables we'd have. I wasn't quite as enthusiastic as my friends, for I was feeling rather glum. "What's wrong Samantha?" Josefina asked. I explained that I felt bad for the less fortunate people who didn't have as much to be thankful for. Then, Carely had an idea. "Let's have a canned food drive!" she exclaimed. Everyone agreed that it was a great idea. Jessica was the only one who had any objection. "We should make it a competition!" Once again, we all loved the idea. We divided ourselves into two teams alphabetically. Team 1 is Angela, Carely, Chrissa, Felicity, Jessica, Josefina, and Julie. Team 2 is Kaya, Kirsten, Kit, Marisol, Molly, Nicki, Rebecca, and me. The rules are simple, the team that collects the most cans and other food items will be the winners. The losing team will have to clean up the kitchen after Thanksgiving. We all know that this is a big task, that requires lots of hard work! Of course, things haven't been that simple! Members from each team are asking classmates, friends, and neighbors to donate cans to their team. News about our canned food drive is slowly spreading throughout our whole community. Some of us are taking the competition a little too seriously. One day, Kit sent Molly to spy on the other team! Another day, cans mysteriously started disappearing from our team's pile! Hopefully, everyone will start playing fair again! Even though we all may be a bit competitive, we never forget that we all are working to help others. We want more families to get good Thanksgiving meals. Hey, our contest isn't over yet! You can help increase one of the team's score by commenting "Team 1" or "Team 2" on the chat box or on this post. Be sure about the team you vote for because you can only do it once! We will announce the winning team on our next post. We hope we'll collect lots of cans and get lots of comments from you too!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Looking Back On Halloween (by Kirsten)

Kirsten here! We had an amazing Halloween at AG Gossip! The festivities started around noon, when the party committee had finished preparing for the Spooktacular Halloween Party. Everyone put on their Halloween costumes and made last-minute touches to perfect their look. Proudly, Felicity ushered us into the living room. We were all surprised at how great the room looked! Josefina and Molly had spent a long time hanging orange streamers and making posters. Nicki had set up the beautiful and delicious goodies on the snack table. Felicity hosted all of the games; like pin the mouth on the pumpkin and bobbing for apples. She even made a special Halloween play list of spooky tunes to set the mood for the party, and for playing musical chairs! The party was a blast!

Soon, it was time to go trick-or-treating. Thanks to our decorating team, our house looked magnificent! It was strung with orange lights, and had rows of jack-o-lanterns to greet the trick-or-treaters as they walked up the driveway. We even had a giant fake spiderweb above the door complete with a huge, life-like spider! According to Kaya and Samantha, tons of happy trick-or-treaters visited our house and we ran out of candy quickly. Luckily, they found Kit's emergency supply of chocolate bars!

It was a long, exciting night for all of us who went trick-or-treating. We all stayed together while going from house to house. Rebecca liked to chat with all of our neighbors after they gave her candy. Although this was very sweet of her, it became a bit tiresome. Jessica and Julie had to pull Kit back whenever she tried to run ahead. After a long night, our feet started hurting and our bags started to get very heavy, so we headed back home. We all dumped our bags of candy on the ground, to trade and sort through it. We were surrounded in a sea of candy! We gave some candy to Kaya and Samantha, since they didn't trick-or-treat. Everyone got out of their costumes and into their pajamas, and stuffed themselves with candy! We all ended up regretting that. We reluctantly brushed our teeth and plopped into bed with upset tummies. All in all, we had a fabulous Halloween!