Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas! (by the AG Gossip Dolls)

 Merry Christmas! We are having such a fantastic Christmas here at AG Gossip. We are having lots of fun opening presents and spending time together. We have some pictures to share with you. We are so lucky to have so many supportive readers. Thank you so much, it really means a lot to us. We hope you all are having a happy holiday season! Merry Christmas from the AG Gossip family!

Setting out milk and cookies for Santa. Yum!
Santa came! What's in my stocking?
We are lucky to recieve so many wonderful gifts. Boy, we made a mess!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Last Minute 'Till Christmas (by Molly)

Christmas is tomorrow! All of the dolls have been filling every last minute with Christmas preparations and holiday fun. One of the most common activities we have been doing is wrapping presents. We've all been taking turns wrapping gifts in the living room. It's a mess! The room is covered in tape, paper, bows, and ribbon! Kit rushes to the tree every time someone finishes wrapping a gift to see if it's for her. Angela has to make constant trips to the store, since we have been running out of supplies so fast. Wrapping gifts seems like such an easy task, but it is quite a challenge for me. No matter what I do, I always make a mistake. I consistently cut pieces of paper too big or too small for the present. One time the tape got stuck to my fingers and ended up sticking to everything! I should ask Josefina to give me some tips, she has mastered the art of wrapping. After wrapping gifts, I always go to the kitchen to relax. It is always filled with warm, delicious smells and holiday sweets. Today, Nicki was decorating a gingerbread house. I helped her ice the roof. She really worked hard to place each piece of candy to make sure it looked perfect. It would be such a shame to eat it! Luckily, Carely made gingerbread cookies for us to snack on. Within minutes the cookies were gone. "Oh no!" cried Carely, "We needed to leave some for Santa!" Oops! I guess I should go help make some cookies for Santa. Bye!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

O Christmas Tree (by Julie)

    Hey, Julie here! I am so excited about Christmas. I think that it is such a great holiday. To me, it never really feels like Christmas until we put up our tree. So, I'm going to tell you the story behind our tree. Normally, we put up an artificial tree, but this year we decided to change it up and get a real, live tree! We sent Samantha and Nicki to buy a tree. While they were gone, the rest of us went into the attic to get our Christmas ornaments and decorations. Everyone carried a box or two downstairs. We found that some boxes had gathered quite a bit of dust. The worst part was when a cockroach crawled out of a box! Eww! We all screamed and jumped on the couch or on a chair whlile Jessica bravely squished the roach with her shoe. What seemed like a simple task had turned into quite the adventure! Around noon, Samantha and Nicki had returned. "We found the perfect tree!" Samantha boasted. We eargerly waited to see the tree. "Ta da!" Nicki and Samantha said as they presented the tree to us. However, we were not as thrilled with the tree as they were. "What is this? Out of all thee trees in the lot, this is the one you buy?!" Felicity screeched. The tree was really small and had almost no branches. Let's face it, it was pathetic. "But it is soooo cute!" said Samantha. I have to admit is was pretty cute. So, we decided to give the little tree a chance. We tried decorating it but it barely could hold the weight of one ormanent! We all sighed as we unpacked the artificial tree. Even though it isn't real, our tree still looks beautiful. Besides, we had lots of fun decorating it. So now  two very different trees brighten our home with Christmas spirit! 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Visiting Santa (by Kaya)

 Today, all of the AG Gossip dolls were at the mall doing some Christmas shopping. After a couple of hours, we decided to take a break and go visit Santa. We all got in the end of the long line and started our wait. We played games to make the time pass more quickly. When we finally made it to the front of the line, Kit immediately volunteered to go first. Her list was surprisingly short. It was only 2 pages! Marisol was up next.When she sat on Santa's lap, she unrolled a LONG list that went all the way to the floor! "I just couldn't make up my mind!" Marisol explained. Things went more smoothly after that. For the most part, we all asked for a few things and left. Our luck ended when it was Josefina's turn. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a short list. "I would like eggs, milk, bananas, peanut butter...oh no!" Her face turned red as she realized, "This is the grocery list!" So instead, Josefina asked for one of the many items from Marisol's list. Jessica had patiently waited and was ready to be the last to go. She cheerfully sat on Santa's lap and cleared her throat. I guess she had a tickle in her throat because she started coughing. When she caught her breath, Jessica gasped. We all noticed a bright pink spot on Santa's beard. Jessica's gum had accidentally fallen out of her mouth and onto Santa's beard! "I'm so sorry!" Jessica exclaimed. An elf had to go get scissors and trim off the hair with gum in it. After that was settled, we gathered for a group photo with Santa, and continued shopping. I hope we all get what we want for Christmas! What do you want to receive for Christmas?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Happy Hanukkah! (by Marisol)

Yesterday was the last night of Hanukkah! We had a blast celebrating the eight day festival of lights. Rebecca organized all of the festivities. On the first night of Hanukkah, we each got a beautifully wrapped gift. When we opened them we each found a Menorah, which is a candle holder that holds eight candles plus one extra called the Shamus. We also got colorful candles to light! Carely put her cooking skills to use by making golden, crispy latkes (potato pancakes)! Yummy! One night, Julie put a huge glob of sour cream on her latkes. When she took a bite, she quickly spit it into a napkin. "That wasn't whipped cream!" she exclaimed. We also had a ton of dreidel games during the course of the holiday. So many that we ran out of gelt (chocolate coins)! I admit, it's hard not to snack on your gelt during the game! It's a good thing we found a bag of peanuts in Kit's messy room! My favorite part of Hanukkah has always been lighting the Menorah. This year we tried to help Molly get over her fear of burning herself with the candles. She still worries about dropping a candle and setting the house on fire, but she has improved! There is something really beautiful about 15 Menorahs all lit. Yesterday, I stared in awe at the sight of 135 flames dancing joyously together. Happy Hanukkah!

Monday, November 29, 2010

A Great Turkey Day (by Carely)

We hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We sure did! To start off, I will announce the results of our canned food drive. The winning team had both the most items and the most fans' votes. The winning team is... drum roll please... TEAM 2! Team 2 had a total of 73 items. Team 1 had a total of 68 items. so altogether we collected 141 items! When we donated our items to our local food bank, the people there were so happy. It felt good to know that we had made a difference. On the day before Thanksgiving, we went to see Molly, Kirsten, and Nicki perform in their Thanksgiving play. It told the story of the first Thanksgiving. The play was cute. After the show, Nicki complained about only having one line: "Gobble, Gobble!" But, all three of them said that they had a fun time! The next morning, everyone was up early to watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade. After that, I took control of the kitchen and started to make the meal with the help of my fellow chefs, Kaya and Kit. Boy, did we make a mess! I felt bad for myself and the rest of Team 1. The counters were covered with pots, pans, and scraps of food. I was not looking forward to cleaning the kitchen. Thanksgiving dinner was delicious! I was flattered by all the compliments my cooking received. After everyone stuffed themselves, Angela, Chrissa, Felicity, Jessica, Josefina, Julie, and I reluctantly trudged into the kitchen. Our arms felt like rubber from all the scrubbing and cleaning. When we finally finished, we were ready to reward our hard work with big slices of pumpkin pie! It didn't take long for us to clean our plates, and for Kit to devour the entire bottle of whipped cream! We have so much to be thankful for and I'm glad we took the time to realize that. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Cantastic! (by Samantha)

A few days ago, all of the AG Gossip dolls were together talking about the menu for our magnificent Thanksgiving feast, and debating the amount of vegetables we'd have. I wasn't quite as enthusiastic as my friends, for I was feeling rather glum. "What's wrong Samantha?" Josefina asked. I explained that I felt bad for the less fortunate people who didn't have as much to be thankful for. Then, Carely had an idea. "Let's have a canned food drive!" she exclaimed. Everyone agreed that it was a great idea. Jessica was the only one who had any objection. "We should make it a competition!" Once again, we all loved the idea. We divided ourselves into two teams alphabetically. Team 1 is Angela, Carely, Chrissa, Felicity, Jessica, Josefina, and Julie. Team 2 is Kaya, Kirsten, Kit, Marisol, Molly, Nicki, Rebecca, and me. The rules are simple, the team that collects the most cans and other food items will be the winners. The losing team will have to clean up the kitchen after Thanksgiving. We all know that this is a big task, that requires lots of hard work! Of course, things haven't been that simple! Members from each team are asking classmates, friends, and neighbors to donate cans to their team. News about our canned food drive is slowly spreading throughout our whole community. Some of us are taking the competition a little too seriously. One day, Kit sent Molly to spy on the other team! Another day, cans mysteriously started disappearing from our team's pile! Hopefully, everyone will start playing fair again! Even though we all may be a bit competitive, we never forget that we all are working to help others. We want more families to get good Thanksgiving meals. Hey, our contest isn't over yet! You can help increase one of the team's score by commenting "Team 1" or "Team 2" on the chat box or on this post. Be sure about the team you vote for because you can only do it once! We will announce the winning team on our next post. We hope we'll collect lots of cans and get lots of comments from you too!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Looking Back On Halloween (by Kirsten)

Kirsten here! We had an amazing Halloween at AG Gossip! The festivities started around noon, when the party committee had finished preparing for the Spooktacular Halloween Party. Everyone put on their Halloween costumes and made last-minute touches to perfect their look. Proudly, Felicity ushered us into the living room. We were all surprised at how great the room looked! Josefina and Molly had spent a long time hanging orange streamers and making posters. Nicki had set up the beautiful and delicious goodies on the snack table. Felicity hosted all of the games; like pin the mouth on the pumpkin and bobbing for apples. She even made a special Halloween play list of spooky tunes to set the mood for the party, and for playing musical chairs! The party was a blast!

Soon, it was time to go trick-or-treating. Thanks to our decorating team, our house looked magnificent! It was strung with orange lights, and had rows of jack-o-lanterns to greet the trick-or-treaters as they walked up the driveway. We even had a giant fake spiderweb above the door complete with a huge, life-like spider! According to Kaya and Samantha, tons of happy trick-or-treaters visited our house and we ran out of candy quickly. Luckily, they found Kit's emergency supply of chocolate bars!

It was a long, exciting night for all of us who went trick-or-treating. We all stayed together while going from house to house. Rebecca liked to chat with all of our neighbors after they gave her candy. Although this was very sweet of her, it became a bit tiresome. Jessica and Julie had to pull Kit back whenever she tried to run ahead. After a long night, our feet started hurting and our bags started to get very heavy, so we headed back home. We all dumped our bags of candy on the ground, to trade and sort through it. We were surrounded in a sea of candy! We gave some candy to Kaya and Samantha, since they didn't trick-or-treat. Everyone got out of their costumes and into their pajamas, and stuffed themselves with candy! We all ended up regretting that. We reluctantly brushed our teeth and plopped into bed with upset tummies. All in all, we had a fabulous Halloween!

Friday, October 29, 2010

An AG Gossip Halloween! (by Angela)

Halloween is getting closer and closer, and all of us here at AG Gossip are getting ready. We all have special jobs to get ready for this sweet and spooky holiday. Kit, Samantha, and Julie are the house decorating committee. They are going to jazz up the outside of the house to make sure we get lots of visits from trick-or-treaters! Kit has already pulled out her recipe for fake blood, and wants to have the scariest block on the house. On the other hand, Samantha wants to have happy jack-o-lanterns and friendly ghosts. I'm sure Julie will figure out some sort of compromise! Carely, Kaya, and Kirsten are in charge of making and purchasing treats and goodies. Carely is baking sugar cookies and frosting them to look like pumpkins, witch hats and, candy corn. Kirsten is being crafty and making adorable lollipop ghosts. And Kaya is buying truck loads of candy for hungry trick-or-treaters. Hopefully, we'll still have candy left by Halloween! Molly and Kit are turning bags of candy into piles of wrappers faster than you can say "jack-o-lantern"! Speaking of jack-o-lanterns, Jessica and Chrissa are busy carving pumpkins. They are certainly very messy and covered in pumpkin guts! Ewww! And what would Halloween be without costumes? Rebecca and Marisol are sewing many of our costumes for trick-or-treating. They have their hands full measuring us, snipping fabric, and sewing, sewing, sewing! Josefina, Nicki, Molly, and Felicity are planning a Spooktacular Halloween Party. They are busy planning all of the games, decorations, snacks, and are sending out invitations. Molly is complaining that her tongue is numb from licking so many envelopes. I am photographing the activities and supervising the whole operation. We're making sure that this Halloween is going to be fabulous! Uh oh, Josefina just found one of Kit's rubber spiders in her hair! Gotta go! Bye!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Felicity's Big Break (by Nicki)

As many of you may know, I love to ride horses. The other day, I was riding Kirsten's horse, Blackie, with Felicity. She was riding her horse, Penny. Felicity challenged me to a race. We agreed on a distant tree to serve as our finish line. Felicity slowly announced, "On your mark........get set-GO!" Oh Felicity! She finished her sentence so quickly, that I wasn't ready. By the time I started, Penny already had a large lead. I focused on the finish line getting closer and closer. All of a sudden, I heard a scream and a loud thud. I pulled on the reigns and brought Blackie to an abrupt stop. Felicity was on the ground and Penny was galloping away towards the stables. I could tell Felicity was in pain. In a few minutes, Felicity was rushed to the hospital. I started to ride back to the stables to check on Penny, when something caught my eye. I dismounted Blackie to get a closer look. I saw one of Penny's hoof prints in the sand. When I looked again I saw that it was actually in a ant pile with loads of fire ants scurrying around! Penny must have got bit by fire ants and threw Felicity off of her back during the race! I went back to the stables to make sure Penny was okay. After what seemed liked years of worrying, Felicity returned. I visited her in her room. She was sitting up in bed with one foot propped up on a pillow with a purple cast on it.  She energetically told me that she had broken her leg and then showed me her x-ray. I was the first one to sign her cast! I visited her everyday, sometimes with flowers or other small gifts. Her bedside table soon began to fill with get-well cards, gifts and goodies. Kaya even baked her special peanut butter cookies. Felicity loves to tell us the story about her fall and trip to the hospital. She is so excited about getting to use crutches! Even though she is stuck with a cast, crutches, and a broken leg, Felicity is still happy as ever! Felicity already told me the first thing she's gonna do when she gets her cast off. "Get ready to be beat,cause we're gonna finish that race!"

Friday, October 8, 2010

Picture Day (By Chrissa)

Ahh!!! Today I woke up to the sound of a high pitched scream. I ran to towards the sound, which seemed to be coming from Molly and Marisol's room. I opened the door and found Marisol in front of a mirror with a brush in her hand and a look of terror on her face. It didn't take me long to find out why she was panicking. Her hair looked like one of the hairballs that Kirsten's cat spits out. I couldn't help myself from giggling. "This isn't funny!" screeched Marisol, "My hair needs to look perfect for picture day!" I dove under her bed and grabbed her emergency Snazz Salon Hair Kit. Marisol instructed me to hand her different hair products, and within 10 minutes her hair looked fabulous! Then, we had to rush to school. We made it into our seats just as the bell rang. Moments before the photographer snapped a picture of me, I realized that I had spent so much time doing Marisol's hair that I didn't have time to brush mine! Whoops! Here is Marisol's lovely picture and my not-so-lovely picture! 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Working at the Cafe (By Felicity)

Today was my first day on the job, working as a waitress at the AG Gossip Cafe! I woke up early and arrived at work. Soon, my first customers walked in: Chrissa and Kirsten. Chrissa ordered Chicken Delight with peas, and corn. Kirsten ordered Sloppity Soup Pies.First, I started on Chrissa's order. I went into the huge kitchen and grabbed a plate. I began to fill the plate with a cob of corn and a piece of chicken. Then, I found the large pot of peas. I balanced the plate in one hand and scooped up a big spoonful of peas with the other hand. All of a sudden, I heard Marisol belt a high note in her operatic alphabet. Startled, I turned around and accidentally knocked over the pot! A sea of small, green peas rolled all over the kitchen floor. Just then, Kaya walked into the kitchen and before I could warn her, she slipped on the peas and landed in a squishy, green mess. Kaya helped me clean up all of the peas. I got a spoonful of what was left of the peas and put it on Chrissa's plate. Now I could start on Kirsten's order: Sloppity Soup Pies. Hmm, I had never seen that on the menu before. So I did the best I could. I grabbed two mini pie crusts and sloppily ladled soup into them. They certainly fit their name! I made my way to Chrissa and Kirsten's table and presented the girls with their meals. Kirsten looked very confused. "What's this?" she asked. "It's your Sloppity Soup Pies," I replied. Kirsten burst out laughing. She said "I ordered Spaghetti Surprise!" I felt so stupid! I rushed back to the kitchen and made her a heaping plate of spaghetti with a spoonful of Chef Carely's Special Spaghetti Sauce. I came back and gave Kirsten her meal. Kirsten and Chrissa said that they had a very fun visit to the AG Gossip Cafe. Even though my first day wasn't so great, I am sure I will do better tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Homework! (By: Molly)

School has just begun, but Mrs. Johnson has already assigned heaps of homework! My desk is buried in piles of textbooks, papers, and other various items. Yesterday, I reached for my eraser but found that instead, I had picked up an old, half-eaten sandwich! Yuck! Marisol keeps pestering me, telling me that I am making our room a pigsty. Obviously, she hasn't visited Kit's room lately...I don't know how everyone else has free time. When I'm not doing homework, I try to organize my desk. Actually, I think it's more like a gigantic waste heap! Okay, here is today's list of homework:

1. Language Arts- Write a 10,000 word essay on the history of the exclamation point.
2. Math- Create an edible model of pi.
3.Reading- Finish book report on the first 50 pages of the dictionary; including a summary, the plot, setting, main characters, and their motives.
4. History- Rewrite the Declaration of Independence in your own words.
5. Gym- Help Kirsten get in shape for our fitness test in gym: The 2 Yard Marathon.
6. Science- Choreograph an interpretive dance about food going through the digestive system, and be ready to perform it for the class tomorrow.

If you think that's a lot, you should have seen last night's list of homework! Sorry, I would've made this post longer, but that dance isn't going to choreograph itself!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Back to School! (By Julie)

Hey! It's Julie! How do you like the back to school pics? Don't recognize a few dolls? That's because we met tons of new friends today! Let me tell you all about those pictures and all about our day. Our new Teacher, Mrs. Johnson runs a tight ship. Kit was caught passing notes to Jimmy, and when the teacher read the note aloud: 

Dear Jimmy, meet me at the lake after school and bring your prank book!, Kit's face turned strawberry red! She lets us stay after school to finish our homework. In math, we were assigned a measuring project to measure the height of our partner. Rebecca met a new friend in the process! In art class, we all drew pictures, and the teacher hung them up on a big clothesline. People drew some really crazy things!

Kit drew a man eating spaghetti and meatballs.
Josefina tried to think of a cultural food, but all she could think of drawing was sushi!
Marisol tried drawing the fall, but it turned out looking more like spring.
Felicety drew a picture of her horse in a baby bonnet
Molly drew the president of the United States blowing his nose
Carely drew an overcooked cassarole. 

That was pretty fun! With school starting and all, I'm sure we'll have some more fun experiences going on! But to sum it up, the first day of school was great!

Check back for chat with the dolls times coming up soon, and an exciting new contest opportunity! 

Friday, August 20, 2010

School Shopping Spree! (By Jessica)

Hey everyone!! It's Jessica! We are so sorry we haven't been posting, we've just been so busy helping our Aunt Susan move into her new house on a hill. It's very pretty, and I'm glad we could help her, but boy does she have a lot of stuff!! Kit spent most of her time rolling down the hill then helping! Well, enough said. Summer seems to go by so fast doesn't it? It seemed like it just started yesterday, but now we have to get ready for school. There's only one fun thing about that, Shopping! Besides getting stinky school supplies, we got to shop at the coolest clothing stores in the town! First, was shoes. We all knew we were growing out of our old sneakers, and school doesn't allow flip flops. We all set out to get the craziest fun looking shoes out there! Kit kept picking up the most exotic looking (expensive) sandals but we all had to keep saying NO! (Until she knocked over that row of boxes did we finally give in!) We thought it was about time to go, after we picked up the perfect shoes. Sadly, (thanks to kit) we were all out of our budget, and so we could only gaze longingly at all the fashionable outfits in the window!

And... we have new chat with the dolls times!

Chat With the Dolls Times!
If you are new to the site, I will remind you that chat with the dolls is a fun filled experience where if you come on to AG Gossip Doll Blog at the times listed below, you can have a live chat with all of the AG Gossip dolls! Remember to read and follow the AG Gossip chat box rules located in the right hand sidebar. We love being able to chat with our biggest fans! So make sure to show up at these times next week. And also remember that chat with the dolls is a guaranteed time to chat with us, but if you are lucky, you may catch one of us dolls on the chat box at any time! So write down the chat with the dolls times below, and we look foward to meeting our fans!

Chat With The Dolls Times:
Saturday, August 21, at 3:00 - 3:30 P.M. Eastern Time
Sunday August 22, at 3:00 - 3:30 Eastern Time

*If you live in a different time zone, ask your parents to help you figure out what these times would be in your time zone*

Show up to as many as you want! And remember to check back for more chat with the dolls times soon!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

AG Gossip Movie 2! (By Carely)

Hi! It's carely! I took this fun video of two of my friends! Enjoy!

Monday, July 5, 2010

a Fun Fourth of July! (By Angela)

Yesterday was such a fun day! When we woke up, we played our annual soccer match. Team stars against team stripes. Kit accidentally kicked the ball in the wrong goal twice so, team stars won. Next, we put on a parade that was probably the worst parade in the world, but we all had fun. In the first row, were all three chefs singing a cheesy song that went like this:

"Cooking up some food, cooking up some food, I'm in a very patriotic mood!"

To make it worse, they were all holding star spangled spatulas! Next in line, was Marisol and I doing a really cheesy baton twirling act. Then came Felicity riding a fake horse waving a flag. (By the way she was dressed like  Martha Washington) Then came Jessica and Chrissa wearing an american flag bathing suit with floaties on her arms, singing the national anthem. They made a big speech about some boring swimmer being a star american. Then came Kit. No exclamation necessary. Then came Kirsten trying to fly a kite, but there was no wind that day, and you can imagine how things went. Next was Julie. She was wearing a bunch of shiny flashy "bling-bling" bracelets. After that came Josefina dressed as an immigrant walking into the americas. She sang "grand old flag" in a very thick accent, and (it sounded horrible!) Nikki dressed as a traditional american cowgirl, except one flaw: She was riding an electronic bull! Rebecca tried to put on a small scene except there was ten people in it, and she had to play all ten. At the end, everyone attempted to sing america the beautiful, only we couldn't get the harmonies right. If you thought that sounded kinda bad, think again. Everyone in our neighborhood sat out on lawn chairs waiting for us to come by with our famous annual parade. After that, it was starting to get dark. We took a group photo and headed out for the fireworks show! Yesterday was fun!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Summer Cleaning (By Samantha)

Today was the day, it came the moment we've been dreading. Summer cleaning! My friends and I - Josefina and Julie went to the laundry room to start the cleaning. The first thing on the list was the laundry. We noticed at first that we hadn't done the laundry in so long, that it was piling overboard into six laundry baskets, and just to make things worse, none of it had been folded. Though cleaning is a stinky job, Julie seemed to thinked that it was the most amusing thing. She would never have thought this had it been for Kaya's Pow Wow dress she wore to her aunt's wedding. Julie had fun playing dress up with us. But before they knew it, Kaya had stomped in and took the dress away. Samantha kept dropping piles of clothing and soon the floor was filled with hankerchiefs and tights. After we had finished the laundry by about midday, we of course had to move on to the next thing on the list, clean out the closet. We found everything from old boomerangs to one of Kit's old dipers. Speaking of Kit, while cleaning the closet, we ran into some mysterious fake bugs which "somebody" must have put there. That took us about 2 hours, and then it was time to organize the coat closet, which seemed like an easy job had it not been all those heavy winter parkas falling down on us and making the job harder and hot. I mean who would want to think about winter right now? The next one on the list we held out till very last,on purpose. None of wanted to clean the garage right now..... But the job had to be done. Besides all the roaches and cobwebs the job went well . Not that you would count the big fake tarrantula Kit had placed!  Well we still had time for an afternoon snack before we a nap being so tired about all the work that had been done today.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

SUMMER IS HERE!!!!!!!!!! (By Jessica)

Heyyyy everyone!!! Sorry we haven't posted in a long time, but with school, and finals we've been kept very busy. But now, all that is over, and we get to chillax and have fun. And do you know what some of that fun is? Posting to our favorite fans! So we are going to try to post every week because it's summer and we all want to have fun! So, here's what's been going on this month. First of all, Angela threw Kit's art painting in the toilet by accident, and Kit was not happy at all. In fact, she was in such a bad mood, that she added salt instead of sugar to the cranberry pie that Carely had been working so hard on. It was quite a tang suprise, but we all thought it was funny! Don't worry, Kit and Angela got over it, and are now hanging out and pulling pranks like usual.

Speaking of Angela, every year she goes to the Snazz Salon to get a summer do'. But this time, she decided to snazz it up a little bit, and get it a little shorter! The moment she walked in the house with her new cut, we were all about to jump in the pool. Her haircut was so shocking to us, that we all jumped in at the same time out of shock! The first one to speak was Kaya. She said, "It looks so cute Angela!" And we all got out to see it. It was a cute cut with some layers. Soon, she joined us in the pool, and it even looked shorter when it got wet! What a fun first week of summer! I've been having such a blast! We hope you do too. Here are the before and after pics!

Hey why don't you tell us about what you're doing this summer? You can write a comment, or that brings us to our next point, CHAT WITH THE DOLLS!!!!!!!!

Chat With the Dolls Times!
If you are new to the site, I will remind you that chat with the dolls is a fun filled experience where if you come on to AG Gossip Doll Blog at the times listed below, you can have a live chat with all of the AG Gossip dolls! Remember to read and follow the AG Gossip chat box rules located in the right hand sidebar. We love being able to chat with our biggest fans! So make sure to show up at these times next week. And also remember that chat with the dolls is a guaranteed time to chat with us, but if you are lucky, you may catch one of us dolls on the chat box at any time! So write down the chat with the dolls times below, and we look foward to meeting our fans!

Chat With The Dolls Times:
Friday June 11, at 4:30 - 5:00 Eastern Time
Saturday June 12, at 3:30 - 4:00 Eastern Time

*If you live in a different time zone, ask your parents to help you figure out what these times would be in your time zone*

Show up to as many as you want! And remember to check back for more chat with the dolls times next week!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Scavenger Hunt! Part 5 (By Carely)

Sorry that we haven't posted in a while, but we've really been so busy! To catch you up, we got back from our trip last weekend, and it was very fun! Going on trips are awesome, but I just love when you can finally go back home! Would you guess what the first thing I did when I got home was? I went onto the blog, and started looking for my crazy spatula! Before I could check the blog, I noticed that someone was walking into my room! I quickly turned the light on, and then I noticed it was Kit. She was standing right next to the printer, with my spatula in her hand!!! All of you who guessed printer were correct!

"Press a button or click for two, pictures and stories come out of the blue"

I was in fact, quite upset with Kit, but then she showed me my spatula. She had written my name on it in beautiful letters! I then realized that she sent me to the printer because she printed on my spatula! I said, "thanks Kit!" and then she said, "I was just going to give it to you, but knowing me, I like to play a few tricks along the way!" Then we both laughed and hugged, now that I look back on it, it was in fact kinda funny!

We would like to have the pleasure to announce our very first winners for the April Site Awards!
Congratulations to those who won, and to those who didn't this time, try again, or keep in mind that you may be automatically considered for a May Award! Here are the winners:

Four Doll Blog is the winner for the fun site award!

Cherished Playtime is the winner of the Creative Site Award!

Thank you for those who entered! Our May awards will be posted soon. Lastly, we have chat with the dolls times!

If you are new to the site, I will remind you that chat with the dolls is a fun filled experience where if you come on to AG Gossip Doll Blog at the times listed below, you can have a live chat with all of the AG Gossip dolls! Remember to read and follow the AG Gossip chat box rules located in the right hand sidebar. We love being able to chat with our biggest fans! So make sure to show up at these times next week. And also remember that chat with the dolls is a guaranteed time to chat with us, but if you are lucky, you may catch one of us dolls on the chat box at any time! So write down the chat with the dolls times below, and we look foward to meeting our fans!

Chat With The Dolls Times:
Thursday May 20, at 3:30 - 4:00 Eastern Time
Friday May 31, at 3:30 - 4:00 Eastern Time
Saturday June 1, at 4:00 - 4:30 Eastern Time
*If you live in a different time zone, ask your parents to help you figure out what these times would be in your time zone*

Show up to as many as you want! And remember to check back for more chat with the dolls times next week!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

New Features! (By Felicity)

Hi, this is Felicity and we at AG Gossip Blog have some exciting news for you. Yesterday, we had so much fun shopping in the city, so today we just wanted to relax in our hotel. So, we figured that we would get out our laptop, and make some cool new stuff on our blog! As you may notice, right underneath our logo, is some links that will link you to our new blog pages. You may notice that once in a while, we'll talk about the snazz salon, or the AG Gossip Cafe. But now, you get to go to each one's official page, and learn more about our daily lives, and the fun things we do. You'll find pages to the AG Gossip Cafe, the Snazz Salon, and Cooking with Carely! You'll also learn how to contact us with all our email addresses. Learn a little bit more about me and the AG Gossip dolls while you're at it!

Also, check out all the cool awards our site has won. Speaking of awards, you can now apply for some special AG Gossip awards! Read more about it on the Apply for an Award tab. We hope you apply for an award, and enjoy all the fun in store for you and your friends!

Chat With the Dolls Times!
If you are new to the site, I will remind you that chat with the dolls is a fun filled experience where if you come on to AG Gossip Doll Blog at the times listed below, you can have a live chat with all of the AG Gossip dolls! Remember to read and follow the AG Gossip chat box rules located in the right hand sidebar. We love being able to chat with our biggest fans! So make sure to show up at these times next week. And also remember that chat with the dolls is a guaranteed time to chat with us, but if you are lucky, you may catch one of us dolls on the chat box at any time! So write down the chat with the dolls times below, and we look foward to meeting our fans!

Chat With The Dolls Times:
Friday April 16, at 4:30 - 5:00 Eastern Time
Saturday April 17, at 3:30 - 4:00 Eastern Time
Sunday April 18, at 4:00 - 4:30 Eastern Time
*If you live in a different time zone, ask your parents to help you figure out what these times would be in your time zone*

Show up to as many as you want! And remember to check back for more chat with the dolls times next week!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Visiting New York! (By Carely)

Hi everybody! It's Carely and I want to tell you that NYC is super awesome! We just got here today, and after checking out our hotel, we all wanted to get out and explore the big city. So, we all made a list of things we wanted to do while we were there, and somehow, stuffing ourselves full with pizza got to the top of the list! After we were all full and sick, we decided to go to the top of the Rockefeller Center. The view was amazing! We snapped so many pictures of ourselves by the big view! We at having a wonderful time here and can't wait to do more!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Road Trip! (By Julie)

Hi this is Julie, and guess what? It's our spring break so we are all in the car going on a road trip! Our first stop is virginia and we are going to look at all the wildlife. Then we are stopping in Washington DC and we are going to look at some of the monuments and smithsonian museums. But after that we are going to americangirl place in new york city! We are going to have so much fun. Stay posted for more stuff on our trip!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

My Scavenger Hunt! Part 4 (By Carely)

Hey, thanks everyone for helping me figure out where Kit hid my spatula. I waited a couple of days to make sure I had in enough results, and I posted your feedback here.

jonasfan12: I definitely think the clue is hidden in a history text book!
Chrissa: a calender
Elle: Either a textbook or a diary

Gabby: Maybe a history book? It would also be like a scrapbook because you can look through your history through picture.
 Ciata: I think it is a calendar!
Happy Days: BOOK! DUH! Maybe a social studies one. Ha anybody been doing a Revolutionary War study in Doll School?
Happy Days: A calandar works, too

all4dolls - Is it in a book? ~Mia and Eva

♥♥Iona♥♥ - A Planner? Or some kind of book?

Claire - A time travel book...

♥♥Iona♥♥ - I think it might be a history book

Doodledog - Is it in some kind of calendar?

Thank you everyone for helping me try to figure out this clue, again! We had some amazing feedback for this!  The first place I decided to look in was Julie's history textbook. I flipped through all the pages, and even though it was almost like a trip through time, Kit didn't hide any spatula there! The next request I got was a diary. It sounded very likely, but getting into Samantha's secret diary!? Now that was a problem. I knew where she hid the key, I've seen her put it inside a hole in her toothbrush before when nobody was looking. So, I pretended that I needed to go to the bathroom, then closed the door and got out the key. When she wasn't looking, I opened up her mattress, and got out her secret diary. Now, I've never done anything so naughty before! I opened up the diary, and gasped at what I saw!!!! No, it wasn't a spatula, or a clue. It was a note that was taped into the pages with hearts drawn all over it. 
It read, "Roses are red, Violets are blue, you're my sugar, and I love you! Signed, Johnny
Wow!!! I was laughing so hard that I fell off the bed!! Finally, I put up the diary, and I had to get out of the room before somebody found out what I was doing!! I walked into my room, and realized that my calendar was still on February. I turned the page, and then a clue fell out! I was hoping it would be a spatula, but well that's kit for you! 
Can you believe that it was not my spatula!?  It was just another one of those crazy clues!!! I think I need some more help here!! Here's what the clue read.

"Press a button or click for two, pictures and stories come out of the blue"

Kit!!!!!!!!!!! You sure know how to make me upset!
Please help me find it again!