Friday, December 11, 2009

Celebrating Hanukkah! (By Kit)

Hi everybody! Ya know, I loooove Christmas so much, but my favorite winter holiday is Hannukah! Today is the first night, and we are all gathered around the table to celebrate Hannukah! It starts at Sundown, and continues for eight whole nights! We give presents (yay!), sing songs, do festive dances, play dreidel, and light the menorah. In my hand is a menorah. Every night of Hanukkah, you light a different candle on the menorah. Because it is the first night, we are going to light the first candle tonight! Then, we will say the hanukkah prayer, and open gifts!  Every night of Hanukkah is just better than the first! Well, gotta go. It's time to celebrate the first night of Hanukkah!

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